Infrastructure Security at Network Level in Cloud Computing
Pre-requisite: Cloud Computing...
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Connect MongoDB (AWS) from Local Machine using WinSCP and MongoDB Compass
Pre-requisite: AWS and MongoDB...
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Allocate Elastic IP-Address to EC2 Instance in AWS
Pre-requisite: AWS...
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How to Install Go on AWS EC2?
EC2 or Elastic Compute Cloud is a scalable computing service launched on the AWS cloud platform. In simpler words, EC2 is nothing but a virtual computer on which we can perform all our tasks and we have the authority to configure, launch or even dissipate this virtual computer.Go is an open-source, statically typed, compiled programming language developed by Google. It is also referred to as Golang. It should be clear, assertive, legible, and strong....
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Amazon Web Services – Introduction to Amazon EKS
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS), is a fully managed service that you can use to run Kubernetes on Amazon Web Service. Kubernetes is open-source software that enables you to install and manage applications at a high scale....
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AWS DynamoDB – Working with Indexes
An index is a data structure that enables us to perform fast queries on different columns in a table. After creating an index, the database handles it for us. Whenever data is modified in the table, the index is automatically modified to reflect changes in the table. We can create and use a secondary index to query faster. While creating a secondary index, we must specify its key attributes—a partition key and a sort key. After the secondary index is created, we can perform operations such as Query or Scan just as we do on the table. DynamoDB doesn’t have any query optimizer, so a secondary index is used while you Query it or Scan it. DynamoDB supports two types of indexes which have been discussed below in detail:...
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AWS DynamoDB – Query Data in a Table
Amazon DynamoDB is a NoSQL managed database that stores semi-structured data i.e. key-value pair and document data. A table in DynamoDB stores data in form of an item and each item has a primary key....
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Create Bucket Policy in AWS S3 Bucket with Python
Bucket policy of s3 bucket means permission and action which can be applied on the particular bucket. AWS S3 has an optional policy that can be used to restrict or grant access to an S3 bucket resource.  It is important to note that bucket policies are defined in JSON format....
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AWS (Amazon Web Services) SNS VS SQS
Are you confused between the AWS SNS and AWS SQS? If yes, here is the best guide to help you. This insightful article covers complete details on the comparison between the AWS SNS and AWS SQS. By the end of this guide, you will be able to easily find what AWS Tool is best suited for your business....
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Creating a NoSQL Table Using Amazon DynamoDB
Pre-requisite: DynamoDB...
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Amazon RDS – Sharing a DB Snapshot
This article is composed of all the steps involved in sharing a DB Snapshot with other AWS accounts. Since sharing such a confidential entity like a snapshot is meant to be secured and protected. Thus, we should be very much concerned about the security of the snapshot....
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How to Create Your Own Custom VPC?
VPC – Stands for virtual private cloud, It is a secured cloud space created within a public cloud, where you can run the code, store your files, host websites, and can do anything else they could do in an ordinary private cloud. To know more about VPC refer to Amazon VPC – Introduction to Amazon Virtual Cloud....
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